Sunday, January 25, 2009

the layout

this is going to be the basic layout of my waystation.

1: the tracks will be at the north end of the area. the wooden slats will be uneven and sand will have built up between the rails.

2: various bushes will be scattered throughout the area. the majority will be at the north end, on the other side of the tracks.

3: the platform will stand just south of the tracks. originaly a wooden platform it has been worn away and is now so covered in sand and grit that it looks like little more then a 2-3 foot raise, a hill of sand.

4: the stable building will stand at the south west side of the compound. there will be two large barn doors on the east side that are only still standing because they have welded themselves to the side of the building (the doors will be done entirely in the color map.) on the south side a normal door will have collapsed and will be laying half in half out of the building. the inside of the building is too dark to see. the roof of this building may have collapsed.

5: the inn will be at the south-east side of the complex though it was originaly 2 stories it has now sagged as if inner supports have given way. it is now only slightly taller then the stable. other then that it has survived well.

6: there is a shed-like structure on the north side of the inn. it may have once been an entrance to a seller but now it has become sandblasted shut by the wind which blows from north-east to south-west. it is little more then a slightly triangular structure on the north side of the building.

7: the inn once had a porch, it has now collapsed completely blocking the south end of the front side of the building. the north side of the porch is only slumped not completely collapsed.

8: on the south side of the platform there is a bench. it is low and squat and has managed to stay standing because it is protected from the wind by the platform and the two short steps leading down from the platform.

9: there is a wooden fence that runs along the western side of the compound then turns and follows the south side (with a gap in the middle) on the east side the fence is mostly gone though there are signs that it once continued up the east side of the compound behind the inn. in plases in broke and was badly repaired, but all repairs were long ago.

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