Thursday, October 7, 2010

plot five

Time divided:
this arc starts with the discovery of the catalyst. Someone tries to use her powers. She tries to escape and the YHA gets involved. During the escape and chase several members of theYHA get thrown into the past. This is the first introduction of Stardust. Sunspot also makes an appearance but Stardust is the focus.
Ben, Criss, Erin, and the catalyst (they call her cat full name Kathrine) are the ones sent to the past. Ben tries to be the leader but it's clear that he doesn't want to be and is not confident. At this time Erin steps up and we see the first hints of him as a leader. Criss is knocked out by the effort of opening the portal so when they first arrive she's out of action. Cat breaks down and is mostly useless but then she pulls herself together and manages to be helpful even though she doesn't know how to use her powers very well.
Adam, Dylan, Fay, and Gavin are back in the present. they try to figure out what happened to the others while dealing with a sudden uprising in crime rates.

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