Ok for the comic class i'm going to be working on a collaborative project with two of my friends.
the finished project will be a ten to twelve page comic centered around Halloween. I will be designing the characters as well as doing the formatting and line work. my two friends will be scripting and coloring the arc.
the main character is a young girl, she is seen in the beginning in a frilly dress but most of the time she is in an overlarge sweatshirt, rubber boots and a bird mask. she has long wavy hair and curls framing her face.
the next character is a little boy with black hair. his costume is a crocodile suit that is reminiscent of Dino pajamas. the hood hangs down his back and the tail drags behind him on the ground.
our antagonist is a tall man is a smiling mask. his body is overly long. he has long matted black hair and is wearing tails. he is smiler to Jack Scelington (sp?)
the other characters are all children dressed in various costumes, A knight, a flower, an angel, a witch, a ghost, and others. the personalities of these children are contradictory to their costumes. the angel is mean the which is nice ect.